
Friday 7 October 2005

hari kedua

Jumaat - puasa ketiga.aku rasa mengantuk pagi ni.tiap tahun rasanya macam ni.awal2 puasa badan baru nak adjust dengan jadual baru.lebih2 lg tak dapat hisap rokok,kepala bengang je.apa yang menarik untuk diperkatakan hari ni? untuk haza,kalau baca catatan ni,nampak segar je...aku tgh tunggu mek.lagi semalam tak masuk.sibuk bebeno.wak pon busy.aku dah promote pd dia.begitu juga dream.
body clock working very slow.just lost the zest.why don't we work until 2.00pm? afterall i think nobody can stay focus after 2.00.when heads get giddy,vision blur.oxygen supply cut to half to the brain.women thinking what they are going to cook for breaking fast.the men just think about having a nap so they will be freshier to perform the terawih.
haza,i have minimised spelling error.thanks for your comments.everybody is welcome to comments and contributes anything.wasallam

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